Nest App Updated With Apple Watch Support

Published on by Wolf Guard

Nest App Updated With Apple Watch Support

One of the perks of having a “smart” and connected home is that unlike traditional household appliances, you can control these gadgets from afar, set schedules, and adjust them without having to get up from your bed. Now it looks like controlling Nest’s products have gotten much more convenient thanks to an update to its app.

The Nest app for iOS has been updated to include support for the Apple Watch. The update is pretty much as it suggests, which is that users will now be able to use the app and control their Nest devices from their Apple Watch, so if you’d rather not whip out your phone all the time, or if your phone is somewhere else charging, you can still have access to your devices.

While we wouldn’t exactly call this a groundbreaking feature, it’s small changes and improvements made to the quality of life that helps enhance the user experience. The update is now live via the iTunes App Store and it will work for all of Nest’s products, like the Nest Protect, Learning Thermostat, Nest Cam, and Dropcam.

In addition to support for the Apple Watch, the update to the app includes a password-protected live view from the camera, 1080p support for the Dropcam Pro, automatic video quality adjustments to ensure a steady and smooth stream, and more.

Article Source: Nest App Updated With Apple Watch Support

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